Sunday, June 2, 2013


OK guys sorry but I posted something in my ad.
It says black men need not call  let me list the reasons
Oh but first let me say I have several black men that I see on a regular basis.
Number 1 Yo baby you fucking? asks the caller
Number 2 I get phone call all hours of the nite up til 4 am it clearly says don't call after nine pm
Number 3 how much to for head at 2 in the am
Number 4 You schedule an appointment you either don't show up or you call me 30 mins after your appointment time and say I am on my way.
Number 5 oh for 100 dollars I want some pussy.
And that is just the phone calls
I will not even tell you what happens in person
no pay, rude, wont tip not that you have to. but if its 75 dollars and you demand 5 dollars change from me and get violent about it come on
So if my ad offends anyone sorry but I need to protect myself
And I am a black female And I shoud not be disrespected by my own race of men